한국과학기술원 생산계측연구실 (KAIST MNIL) 에서는 반도체 관련 산업체 현안 해결을 위한 노력을 지속해오고 있습니다.
반도체 소재-부품-장비 분야 기계공학적인 문제 해결을 위한 연구에 함께 참여할 석/박사과정 연구원을 모집하고 있습니다. 관심있는 분들의 문의 환영합니다.
Notable Awards
– The 9th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge, Bronze Award (Nov. 7, 2024)
– The 9th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge, Bronze Award (Nov. 7, 2024)
– The 8th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge, Gold Award (Nov. 2, 2023)
– The 7th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge, Silver Award (Nov. 10, 2022)
– The 6th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge, Bronze Award (Nov. 4, 2021)
– The 5th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge, Encouragement Award (Nov. 20, 2020)
– The 3rd KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge, Silver Award (Dec. 13, 2018)
– The 2nd KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge, Silver Award (Nov. 2, 2017)
– The 1st KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge, Silver Award (Dec. 15, 2016)
News (English)
- MNIL 연구원들 (김태영, 정기범, 민두홍, Rafita, Vu Binh Nam, 이정철 교수님)이 2025 KMEMS 학술대회에 참석하여, 김태영 연구원이 우수발표상, 정기범 연구원이 우수논문상을 수상하였습니다. (Mar 26-28, 2025)
- 김태영 연구원이 The 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Process & Technology(ICMPT 2025)에 참여하였습니다.
- 고주희 연구원과 김태영 연구원이 2025 IEEE International Conference on Micro electro Mechanical Systems(IEEE MEMS 2025)에 참여하였습니다.
- 고주희 연구원이 KAIST 기계공학과 우수상 – BK 논문상을 수상하였습니다. (Dec. 06. 2024)
- 김태영 연구원이 마이크로나노시스템학회 회장님의 추천을 받아 한국기계기술단체총연합회에서 우수논문상을 수상하였습니다. (Dec. 04, 2024)
- 이정철 교수님께서 2024 추계 마이크로/나노시스템 학회에서 논문상을 수상하셨습니다. (Nov. 22. 2024)
- 김태영 연구원이 2024 추계 마이크로/나노시스템 학회에서 우수 포스터 논문상을 수상하였습니다. (Nov. 22. 2024)
- 고주희 연구원이 The 9th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge에서 동상을 수상하였습니다. (Nov. 7. 2024)
- 고주희 연구원과 김태영 연구원이 The 9th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge에서 동상을 수상하였습니다.
- 고주희 연구원과 김태영 연구원이 The 3th KSME-LG Future Home Tech Challenge에서 동상을 수상하였습니다.
- 고주희 연구원과 Rafi 연구원, Nada 연구원이 한국기계학회에서 2023 JMST Second Best Paper award를 수상하였습니다. (Nov. 7. 2024)
- 고주희 연구원이 KAIST 총장상 대학원생 우수논문상 수상자로 선정되었습니다. (Oct. 24. 2024)
- 이정철 교수님이 KSA 한국표준협회에서 IEC 1906 Award를 수상하셨습니다. (Oct. 15, 2024)
- 이정철 교수님이 2024 Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (JMST)로부터 Outstanding Contribution Award를 수상하셨습니다. (Sep. 26, 2024)
- 정기범 연구원이 2024 KSME 마이크로/나노공학 부문 춘계학술대회에서 우수논문상을 수상하였습니다. (May 16, 2024)
- 정기범 연구원이 2024 KSME 마이크로/나노공학 부문 춘계학술대회에 참여하였습니다.
- MNIL 연구원들 (고주희, 김태영, 이정철 교수님)이 2024 KMEMS 학술대회에 참석하여, 김태영 연구원이 The Best Oral Presentation Award를 수상하였습니다. (Mar 27-29, 2024)
- 이정철 교수님이 일본 오사카에서 열린 2024 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences(ICMENS 2024)에서 Best oral presentation 수상을 하셨습니다.
- 고주희 연구원이 UNIST(손현준 연구원, 김건호 교수님)와 협력하여 제 30회 삼성휴먼테크논문대상에서 동상을 수상하였습니다. (Feb. 7, 2024)
- Prof. Jungchul Lee presented “High temperature annealing based micro-/nanofabrication” at the 2nd Mechanical Engineering Conference & 2023 International Conference on Emerging Technologies of Mechanical Engineering as a keynote speaker.
- MNIL 연구원들 (고주희, 김태영, 정기범, 이정철 교수님)이 2023 한국기계학회(KSME)에 참석하였습니다. (Nov. 1~3, 2023)
- 고주희 연구원이 The 8th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge에서 금상을 수상하였습니다.
- Juhee received the best poster presentation award from the The 14th Japan-China-Korea Joint Conference on MEMS/NEMS (JCK MEMS/NEMS 2023) for her presentation titled “Hyper-multimodal measurements with heater-integrated fluidic resonators to analyze quaternary liquid mixtures”.
- MNIL 멤버들이 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems (Transducers 2023)에 참여하였습니다.
- Juhee received the best oral presentation award from the 18th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems for her presentation titled “Real-time viscosity measurement under temperature modulation by heater-integrated fluidic resonators”.
- MNIL members attended the 18th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2023) and presented their recent research progress.
- 김태영 연구원이 2023 KSME 마이크로/나노공학 부문 춘계학술대회에서 포토콘테스트 우수상을 수상하였습니다. (May 11, 2023)
- 김태영 연구원이 2023 KSME 마이크로/나노공학 부문 춘계학술대회에서 outstanding poster presentation award를 수상했습니다. – “Top-down mass production of uniform silicon nanoparticles via high temperature annealing”.
- 김태영 연구원이 2023 KSME 마이크로/나노공학 부문 춘계학술대회에 참여하였습니다.
- 김태영 연구원이 25th KMEMS 학술대회에서 best oral presentation award를 수상했습니다. – “Fabrication of silicon-on-insulator structure via simultaneous internal and external oxidation of Silicon-on-Nothing”.
- MNIL 멤버들이 25th KMEMS 학술대회에 참여하였습니다.
- “Subsurface Imaging of Microfabricated Silicon Membrane–Cavity Structures Using Near-Infrared Interferometry” has been press-released in KAIST news.
- Juhee Ko received the Outstanding student oral presentation award finalist from the the 36th IEEE International Conference on Micro electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2023).
- “Predicting AFM topography from optical microscopes using deep-learning” has been press-released in KAIST offcial and multiple media pages.
- Our cover art for the recently accepted paper “Predicting AFM topography from optical microscopes using deep-learning” has been selected as inside Back Cover for the hot topic of Advanced Intelligent Systems.
- Near-Infrared Interferometry for non-destructive test of wafers has been press-released in KAIST offcial and multiple media pages.
- Prof. Lee gave an invited talk at the 2022 Nanoscientific Symposium Korea held in Daejeon Convention Center (Nov. 23, 2022).
- Heater-integrated fluidic resonators have been press-released in KAIST official and multiple media pages.
- Taeyeong Kim received the outstanding paper award from the 2022 Fall Conference of the Society of Micro and Nano Systems (Nov. 18, 2022).
- Prof. Lee received the Micro and Nano Systems Letters Journal Award from the 2022 Fall Conference of the Society of Micro and Nano Systems.
- MNIL members attended the 2022 Micro Nano Systems (MNS) Fall Conference and presented their recent research progress.
- MNIL members attended the 2022 KSME Fall Conference and presented their recent research progress. Prof. Lee received the Silver Prize from the 7th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge.
- Prof. Lee attended the 86th IEC General Meeting held in San Francisco, USA as Convenor of SC47E WG1 and Assistant Secretary of TC124 (Oct. 31 ~ Nov. 4, 2022).
- Our cover artwork has been selected as the back cover of the current issue of Advanced Engineering Matetials (Oct. 21, 2022).
- Prof. Lee gave an invited talk at the 13th Japan-China-Korea MEMS/NEMS Conference (Oct. 18, 2022).
- Our review paper “Solid-State Nanopore for Molecular Detection” published in the International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (IJPEM) was selected for the Most Downloaded Article Award from 2020 to 2021.
- Our cover art for the recently accepted paper “Nanomechanical Sensing Using Heater-Integrated Fluidic Resonators” has been selected as the Front Cover for the current issue (Vol. 22 Issue 19) of Nano Letters.
- Prof. Jungchul Lee’s idea presented at the 7th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge was awarded Silver prize in the professional group category.
- A new paper entitled “Optimization of deep reactive ion etching for microscale silicon hole arrays with high aspect ratio” was online published in Micro and Nano Systems Letters (September 10, 2022).
- J. Ko, B. Lee, and J. Lee have received the best online poster award from the 18th International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing (NMC 2022) (August 10, 2022).
- J. Ko, B. Lee, and J. Lee have received the best presentation award from the 2022 Fall Conference of the Korean Sensors Society (August 26, 2022).
- A new paper entitled “Nanomechanical sensing with heater-integrated fluidic resonators” was online published in Nano Letters (August 18, 2022).
- Prof. Lee has been invited from the JCK (Japan-China-Korea) MEMS/NEMS 2022 to give an invited talk at the 13th JCK Joint Conference on MEMS/NEMS on Oct. 16~19, 2022.
- A new paper entitled “Subsurface imaging of micro fabricated silicon membrane-cavity structures using near-infrared interferometry” was online published in Advanced Engineering Materials (July 14, 2022).
- MNIL members (Juhee Ko, Sukbom Son) have received the best paper award from the 2022 Spring KSME conference – Micro Nano Division (May 19, 2022).
- MNIL members attended the 2022 Spring KSME conference – Micro Nano Division (May 18-20, 2022).
- CETPM members attended the 2022 Spring KSME conference – Thermal Engineering Division (Apr. 20-22, 2022).
- MNIL members (Mun Goung Jeong, Taeyeong Kim) have received the best paper award from the 2022 Korean MEMS conference (Apr. 8, 2022).
- CETPM members (from the left, J. Ko, J. Jeong, Prof. Lee, T. Kim, M.G. Jeong) attended the 2022 KMEMS conference (Apr. 4~6, 2022).
- CETPM member (Juhee Ko) received the Silver prize from the 28th Samsung Humantech Paper Award (Feb. 15, 2022).
- CETPM members (Taeyeong Kim, Jaewoo Jeong) received the best oral presentation award and best poster presentation award from the NCC 2022 conference.00
- CETPM members attended the NCC 2022 conference.
- Prof. Lee has been appointed as a member of Editorial Board for International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (IJPEM) for 2020 (Jan. 1, 2022 ~ Dec. 31, 2022).
- MNIL members gave a lab tour to KAIST undergraduate students as one of representative research groups in the field of thermal engineering (Nov .19, 2021).
- MNIL members (Jaewoo Jeong, Taeyeong Kim) have received the outstanding paper award from the Micro and Nano Systems Fall conference (Nov. 17, 2021).
- CETPM members received the Bronze Award from the 6th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge (Nov. 4, 2021).
- A new paper entitled “Formation, evolution and prevention of thermally induced defects on germanium and silicon upon high-temperature vacuum annealing” was online published in Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (JVST-A) (Oct. 29, 2021).
- Prof. Lee gave an invited talk at the 240th Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting (Oct. 10, 2021).
- A new review paper entitled “Cellular and bimolecular detection based on suspended microchannel resonators” was published in Biomedical Engineering Letters (Sept. 12, 2021).
- Prof. Lee served as the Student Engagement Committee Chair for Transducers 2021 and organized three activities including Image Competition, Online Quiz and Emerging Leader Panels.
- Prof. Lee gave an invited talk at the 17th International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing (NMC2021) (June. 16, 2021).
- Thank you for the wonderful teacher’s day gift from MNIL members!!!
- Prof. Lee has been appointed as an associate editor for the Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (JMST) for 3 years (May 1, 2021 ~ April 30, 2024).
- CETPM members attended the 23rd Korean MEMS Conference at Buyeo Lotte Resort (Apr. 7~Apr. 9, 2021).
- Congratulations! Juhee received her Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering on Feb. 28, 2021.
- MNIL members prepared the 1st year achievement exhibition of KOREA AID for RESPIRATORY EPIDEMIC project (Jan. 27-28, 2021).
- Jaewoo Jeong joined MNIL. Welcome a new member (January 5, 2021).
- CETPM members received the Encouragement Award from the 5th KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge (Nov. 20, 2020).
- Prof. Lee co-organized the KAIST ME e-Symposium on Nano-Micro Sensing & Photonics with Prof. Inkyu Park, Bumki Min, and Young-Jin Kim (Dec. 2 ~3, 2020).
- Prof. Lee gave an invited talk at 2020 Fall Conference of the Korean Sensors Society, Gangneung, Korea (Nov. 12, 2020).
- Prof. Lee has been appointed as the Student Engagement Chair for Transducers 2021.
- Dr. Muhammad Refatul Haq joined MNIL. Welcome a new member (Nov. 1, 2020).
- Taeyeong Kim received the 2020 Spring Semester Oustanding Teaching Assistant (ME211: Thermodynamics) Award.
- CETPM members attended the 22nd Korean MEMS Conference at Phoenix Pyeongchang (Aug. 19~Aug. 21, 2020).
- MNIL members attended the Annual Basic Research Laboratory Workshop at Phoenix Pyeongchang (Aug. 17~19, 2020).
- MNIL received a research funding “KAIST Corona Response Science and Technology New Deal Project – Development of high-speed virus detection platform based on simultaneous mass and optical spectrum measurement using transparent nano resonant sensors”. For this project, MNIL would collaborate with KIST and Catholic University.
- Prof. Lee gave a seminar entitled “Archimedes principle: Buoyant mass measurement based liquid borne particles detection” at the KAIST Advanced Defense of Chemical and Biological Weapons on June 16, 2020.
- Graduate research assistant positions (2 or 3) are available. Specific research topics are (1)Single virus detection with hollow nanotube resonators and (2)Micro-/nanoscale pick-&-place manipulators. Postdoctoral researcher positions may be available if candidates have strong and solid micro-/nanomanufacturing and instrumentation expertise. Please send an email to Prof. Lee (
- Teacher’s day celebrations !!! Thank all MNIL members.
- A new paper entitled “Intense Pulsed Light Treated Near-Field Electrospun Nanofiber on Quartz Tuning Fork for Multi-Modal Gas Sensors” was online published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
- Prof. Lee received the commendation from the Minister of Science and ICT on April 21st for recognition of his contribution to national development through the promotion of science and technology on the 53rd Science Day.
- Prof. Lee was invited to the Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSensing & Systems at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He gave a seminar entitled “Alternative routes to fluidic channel integrated resonators” on Feb. 12, 2020.
- Prof. Lee was appointed as a business director in the Micro-/nanoengineering division of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Prof. Lee was appointed as an executive director, a secretary of journal editorial committee, and a member of chungcheong regional committee in the Society of Micro and Nano Systems.
- Prof. Lee was invited to KAIST Advanced Components & Materials Workshop (workshop program) and gave a seminar entitled “Archimedes principle: Application for detection of liquid borne particulate matters” (Jan. 15, 2020).
- Center for Extreme Thermal Physics and Manufacturing (CETPM) celebrates the cover paper published in 2019 with the custom made mugs. Mugs will be distributed to CETPM members and visitors.
- Prof. Lee received the Certificate of Appreciation from the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers for serving as a chief financial director from Jan. 1, 2018 to Dec. 31, 2020.
- Sukbom Son joined MNIL. Welcome a new member (January 6, 2020).
- Prof. Lee has been appointed as a member of Editorial Board for International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (IJPEM) for 2020 (Jan. 1, 2020 ~ Dec. 31, 2020).
- Prof. Lee attended the 2nd Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference (PRTEC 2019) from Dec. 13~17, 2019 and served as a session (Thermo-Physical Properties 3) chair on Dec. 17, 2019.
- A new paper entitled “Micropipette resonator enabling targeted aspiration and mass measurement of single particles and cells” was published in ACS Sensors (IF: 6.944). Our cover graphic was also selected for publication. Thanks for all contributing authors, especially Juhee and Donghyuk.
- MNIL members (Prof. Lee, Juhee Ko, and Taeyeong Kim attended and presented at the 2019 KSME Fall Conference held in Jeju Island, Korea (November 13~15, 2019).
- Prof. Jungchul Lee was invited to Asia-Pacific Thermofluid Science and Engineering Conference (APTSE) 2019 and gave an invited talk titled “Fluidic channel integrated resonators for liquid and particle sensing” (Oct. 31 ~ Nov. 2, 2019).
- Prof. Jungchul Lee presented at the IEC TC124 WG4 and Plenary meetings regarding the International standard development on “Measurement Method for Wearable Devices – Heart Rate Monitoring” at Shanghai, China (Oct. 22~23, 2019).
- A review paper entitled “Soft and deformable sensors based on liquid metals” has been published in MDPI Sensors (September 30, 2019).
- A Korean patent (10-2005911) entitled “Method of producing large size of hydrogel probe and hydrogel probe thereof” has been granted.
Our paper has been highlighted on Advanced Science News (August 2, 2019).
- Dr. Heesu Byun joined MNIL. Welcome a new member (August 1, 2019).
- Prof. Lee visited Michigan State University to give an invited talk entitled “Fluidic channel integrated resonators towards ultra-sensitive detection of liquid-borne particles” (August 1, 2019).
- A new paper entitled “Multiscale fluidic channels via internal oxidation and oxide etching of self-assembled Silicon-on-Nothing structures” has been online published in Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (July 27, 2019). This is our 10th JMEMS paper.
- MNIL members attended and presented at the 17th International Nanotech Symposium and Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2019) held in Ilsan, Korea (July 3~5, 2019).
- MNIL members attended and presented at the 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2019) held in Berlin, Germany (June 23~27, 2019).
- Prof. Lee was invited to the 16th International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing (NMC 2019) held in EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (June 19~21, 2019) and presented an invited talk.
- Prof. Jungchul Lee presented at the MEMS Standardization and Technology Workshop held in Suzhou, China (June 14, 2019).
- Prof. Lee received the 2019 KSME Micro/Nano division Academic Award (May 23, 2019).
- MNIL members, Prof. Lee, Juhee Ko, and Taeyeong Kim, attended the Spring conference of Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers Micro/Nano division 2019 held in Busan (May 22~24, 2019).
- Our hair resonator humidity sensors are press released in many online news papers and magazines.
- Prof. Lee attended the 2019 International Standardization Forum on Wearable Smart Devices (Apr. 26, 2019).
- Prof. Lee attended the 2019 KPS Spring Meeting and gave an invited talk @ Focus Sessions #8 – Micro/nano fluidics: physics and applications.
- MNIL members, Prof. Lee, Juhee Ko, and Jaeseob Lee, attended the 21st Korean MEMS Conference held in Jeju (Apr. 4~6, 2019).
- Our paper has been selected as a frontispiece in Advanced Materials Technologies Volume 4 and Issue 3 (Mar. 14, 2019).
- Prof. Lee attended the 2nd KIMM-KAIST Cooperative Workshop on Mechanical Technologies on Feb. 20, 2019.
- A US patent (US 10,203,270 B2) entitled “Micro-fluid measuring apparatus with an actuator and a tuning fork” has been granted on Feb. 12, 2019.
- A US patent (US 10,202,276 B2) entitled “Method for manufacturing microcantilever” has been granted on Feb. 12, 2019.
Our paper in collaboration with Prof. Kauh’s group @ Seoul National University has been selected as a frontispiece in Advanced Materials Technologies Volume 4 and Issue 2 (Feb. 9, 2019). High resolution pdf can be downloaded here.
- MNIL members attended the 32nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems held in Coex, Seoul, Korea (Jan. 27~31, 2019).
- Prof. Lee was invited to Nano Convergence Conference (NCC) 2019 (2019.01.17).
- Prof. Lee attended CES 2019.
- Prof. Jungchul Lee has been appointed as a member of editorial board for International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (IJPEM) published by the Korean Society of Precision Engineering (KSPE) for 2019.
- Juhee Ko, Jaeseob Lee, and Taeyeong Kim joined MNIL. Welcome new members.
- A US patent entitled “Method for manufacturing microcantilever having functional probe” has been granted on Nov. 20, 2018.
- A US patent entitled “Microchannel resonators and method for manufacturing same” has been granted on Oct. 9, 2018.
- Prof. Lee attended the Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer VI Eurotherm seminar No 111 held in Levi, Lapland, Finland on Dec. 2-7, 2018.
- MNIL students attended the 1st International Workshop on QTF-AFM held in SNU on Dec. 6-7, 2018.
- A new paper entitled “Hydrogel tip attached quartz tuning fork for shear force microscopy” has been published in Micro Nano Systems Letters on Nov. 22, 2018.
- Special seminars were given on Nov. 13, 2018 by Prof. Sam Kim and Prof. Simon Park who are from University of Calgary, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.
- Prof. Lee attended the 82nd IEC general meeting held in Busan as a convernor of IEC SC47E WG1 and an assistant secretary of IEC TC124.
- Prof. Lee wrote an article entitled “Hollow resonators : Next generation biosensing platform” to the 2018 September issue of the magazine science21 (
- Prof. Lee was appointed as an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at KAIST on Aug. 15, 2018.
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